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Hillingdon Hospital rehabilitation garden edges closer

The new rehabilitation garden at Hillingdon Hospital has moved a step closer with the official launch taking place last Wednesday. 

Representatives from the hospital, contractors and the local community were in attendance as the first spade was sunk into the ground to mark the occasion.

The milestone moment comes after months of planning for the sensory garden by the Hillingdon Hospitals Charity.

Located outside the Jubilee Building, the garden will provide an outdoor, therapeutic environment for patients undergoing long-term rehabilitation while also providing a space for enrichment activities and essential time with family and visitors.

Various fundraising events - such as a 50km walk around Windsor by two senior members of Trust staff - have already taken place, with almost half raised of the £150,000 required for the creation of the garden.

The charity has managed to secure the services of landscape architect and garden designer Tom Stuart-Smith to lead the project.

Shirley Clipp, from the charity, said: Our vision is to create a beautiful and therapeutic garden for patients facing life-changing events and conditions who often endure longer stays in the hospital.

"We envisage a tranquil environment, which will enhance rehabilitation taking inspiration from gardens at other rehabilitation units."

Therapy team lead Helen Johnston added: "The empty courtyard has the potential to become a sanctuary where patients and their families can spend time together away from the wards and reflect in a natural environment.

"Our mission is to transform the space into a wheelchair accessible serene garden with raised beds, a variety of plants and seating areas. It will also give us the opportunity for outside therapy. It will become a useful resource for physical, emotional and cognitive rehabilitation."

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